Restaurant & Dinner Theatre Magic Shows

Enjoy a Meal and Watch Close-up Magic at Your Table

Toronto Restaurant Magician


See Chris perform at these restaurants

 Come See Chris perform Amazing Close-Up Magic at Boston Pizza

Boston Pizza (Burlington North)
4523 Dundas St. Burlington
Tuesday 5:30-7:30 pm

Boston Pizza (Mississauga)
42915 Eglinton Avenue West
Erin Mills
Wednesday 5:30-7:30 pm

Reviews & Comments from Restaurant Patrons

  • We had a fairly large group, and it was almost everyone's 1st visit to Boston Pizza. There was a magician there that night, who was FABULOUS! He made the rounds to all of the tables throughout the night. Our group had adults and children, and he managed to fully entertain ALL of us. We are from Waterloo, but would make the trip back to this Boston Pizza if we could get a schedule of when he is there.
    – Pizza and Magic Lover
  • Hi Chris, We saw you last week at Boston were great! Our son and his friend were still talking about you hours later.
    – Irma